
My 9-step renovation programme


beach-yoga-in-LisbonNow that January is over and done with, I thought I would share with you how I am getting on so far.

Firstly, I have not drunk a drop of alcohol for over 4 weeks. I was determined to finish Dry January and lo and behold I did! Honestly, I have found it easy. This brings me to explain to you the initial thought process behind the renovation programme.

I was lying on a Cuban beach drinking my body weight in Mojitos just after Christmas and reading all the lovely magazines with articles about the best spas full of gorgeous photos and high price tags and I was tempted, as I so often am, to give the responsibility of organising my health to someone else. To a pricey spa that will make me feel good briefly. 

I started to think – hang on here, I can do my own spa at home. I know the right people to ask and the right things to do so I did exactly that. Here are my top DIY spa tips and treatments:

1. Give up the booze, and if you are going out for an occasion, talk to yourself and work out what you’re going to drink once you arrive.  You are in the right mindset then and it really does work. Also, tell people straight away you are not drinking.

2. Think of someone you can discuss your aims with. To get started I went to my yoga teacher who worked out a plan and gave me valuable contacts.  She recommended various supplements and top of my list was Vitamin B as that was lacking in my cupboards at home. Buy the best you can afford from a health shop and ask for advice. Remember to look at the labels.

3. I was given the number of a brilliant chiropractitioner who also does Thermal Imaging,  so now I have been imaged and no vital organs need replacing (!) but other things were picked up which we are working on. I am on a chiro-programme to get my back in shape.

4. I had spiritual healing with reiki – it’s so relaxing and calming I can’t recommend it enough. I was advised to get some crystals so next week I am off to the Crystal Warehouse with my yoga teacher to get them.

5. I have started visiting our local leisure centre using the sauna and steam rooms – both brilliant and cheap. I did make the mistake of drinking some epsom salts in warm water – WOW that was one big purge and I would not advise this unless you are hardcore!

6. I have been doing Pilates once a week which has really helped to clear my mind and help maintain my flexibility!

7. I have embraced healthy eating and have only eaten red meat once in a month. I’ve really loved making some great veggie dishes, even impressing my daughter with a vegan energy bar!

8. I made an appointment with an excellent vascular surgeon to sort my thread veins out. I know Maggie so therefore this was straightforward and my legs are now looking great.

9. I am off to the chiropodist tomorrow for a check up to make sure there are no nasty verrucas!

If you really want to do it you can, and it does not cost a fortune either. Your health and well being is the most important thing to maintain so there really is no excuse.

Oh, and I forgot to say I have lost loads of weight too……!

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